For Windows 7, Vista, XP
doPDF-Free PDF Converter
DoPDF is totally free for everyone to download. No matter it is used for personal or commercial purpose, you don’t need to pay any penny for it. You can convert the word file, excel files or power point files or the web sites pages to PDF files with one click. It is really simple but useful. Isn’t it? You can download it here right now.
If you need to edit your currrent PDF files, you can reference to our version: PDF to Flash Magazine.
- Why Use?
PDF format is one of the most popular formats in today’s office. It provides a practical way to security our documents. doPDF can convert any documents to PDF files as its name. What important is that it allows you to transfer any type of printable documents to PDF. It is very simple and fast. You can save time and money at the same time. It provides two ways for you to do the converting.
1. Convert to PDF with the virtual PDF printer
Open the document which you want to convert to PDF. They can be Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPad, NotePad or any printable document. Then print it as the usual. You can reference to the tips as below.
Step1:click "File"->"Print"->"Print" in the file which you need to be converted.
Step2: choose "doPDF" as your printer->click"OK".
Step3: fill in the file name and choose the route, then click"OK" to finish the converting.
- 2. Convert to PDF directly by using the doPDF window
You just need to open the doPDF and choose a file that you want to transfer to PDF, the software will help you to do the transferring in seconds. You should do as below at first. Then repeat the step3 as above.
If you want to convert you PDF documents to flash magazines, you can download the PDF to Flash Magazine
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