3. Can my flash flipbooks transfer to full screen mode?
Q: Some readers are used to full screen mode when reading online flipbooks. And absolutely, it is convenient and also can play a part in anti-disturb. Is it possible for the PDF to flash magazine professional?
A: Of course the answer is yes. The full screen button may be hided if you can’t find it. The following tips will help to solve this problem.
Step1: make sure that you have chosen the design setting tab at the left of the window.
Step2: find the “Full Screen Button” bar under the “Tool Bars Settings” group, and transfer “Hide” to “Show”.
Step3: apply change to save the setting. You can find an “Enable FullScreen” button in your windows and your problem has been solved.
*Please be aware that you have to click “Apply Changes” to apply any changes to the flash book.